Google announces its new indexing capacity-specific search appliances
In its singular attempt towards indexing capacity - to facilitate the search of networks for presentations, spreadsheets, and other documents, even by the big companies - Google Tuesday announced two new products: the Google Search Appliance (GSA) version 6.0 and a new high-end GB-9009.
Based on the technology that Google uses in its Web search engines, Google's Search Appliance is sold as a hardware box, equipped with enterprise search software, which is so-designed that it allows companies to index and reclaim the data in their corporate systems, like applications, document management tools, databases, Web servers and files.
Google's GSA 6.0 is largely aimed at underserved search market customers, enticing them with security and search relevancy features, as well as added options for IT managers to customize administration.
Meanwhile, the GB-9009 is a device that can locate documents by the billions, thereby lifting the indexing capacity and making it easier to scale it up. Specifically speaking, the new model has a minimum capacity of indexing 15 million documents, which can go up to 30 million documents out of the box!
Built on Dell's PowerEdge R710 platform, the GB-9009 comprises two units respectively for processing and storage, and runs Intel's Xeon 5500 Series processors.
According to Nitin Mangtani - Google's senior product manager of enterprise search - Google had to hard-wire and preconfigure on 12 server nodes, to put the product in place!
(Via TopNews United States. Contributed by Amandeep Dhaliwal)