HBO to feature new series to raise awakening of Alzheimer's

HBO to feature new series to raise awakening of Alzheimer's HBO will feature a special series in May to create awareness about Alzheimer's which is a brain disorder that slowly destroys memory. The series will have four documentaries, 15 short films, a book, a community outreach program and a website (

This series will motivate people to put time and money for finding cure to this disease. According to statistics, nearly 26 million people worldwide have Alzheimer's. 

Maria Shriver, wife of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and executive producer of "The Alzheimer's Project said, "The numbers are growing at a rate that nobody ever fathomed. As babyboomers age, it is coming right at us and we have to do something."

"The Alzheimer's Project" will also include a science film that takes viewers inside the labs and clinics of 25 leading physicians and researchers.