Is Obama set to surrender in Afghanistan? (Part - I)

Is Obama set to surrender in Afghanistan?New Delhi: The latest news coming out of Washington sounds extremely ominous for a much battered Afghanistan. It seems President Barak Obama is giving up his policy to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda.

Instead an alternative is being worked out to seek peace with these very terror outfits. The objective is to make sure that Afghanistan and Pakistan are no longer launching pads of terror attacks against the US. It is clear that the US may be working out a deal similar to Pakistan's surrender to the Taliban in Swat.

Pakistan has obviously succeeded in confusing policy makers in Washington by its talk of good and bad Taliban? Is there an extremist who could be called a good Taliban? The very birth of Taliban has its roots in violence. This was the creed and training that its Pakistani mentors gave this organisation in late eighties.

Taliban was created by Pakistan as a force that carried out inhuman acts in the name of Islam-and justified it as a step to red Afghanistan of Soviet forces. . Such inhuman violence apparently in the cause of Islam was also used to wipe out the tolerant Islamic society of Afghanistan.

The mentors of Taliban wanted to turn Afghanistan into a colony of Pakistan albeit via proxy rule of the demon that Pakistan created. Afghanistan was pushed back into the Stone Age with little chance of being able to regain its individuality.

The entry of Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda into Afghanistan consolidated the first terrorist state in the world, As for Pakistan, it got its much needed depth to deploy its missiles against India in that country. That did not worry Al Qaeda or the Taliban rulers of Afghanistan.

Let it not be forgotten that the US administration was --directly or indirectly-- negotiating with the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in the late nineties to secure pipeline access from Central Asia. They did not know that the Taliban and Al Qaeda had something else on their mind : the attack of 9/11 on the US. (ANI)
