Tehran condemns ICC warrant against al-Bashir

Tehran condemns ICC warrant against al-Bashir Tehran - Tehran on Thursday condemned the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to issue a warrant for the arrest of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, ISNA news agency reported.

"The warrant is unfair, a violation of the 1961 Vienna convention and based on political resentment by imperialistic world powers," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Ghashghavi said.

The ICC On Wednesday issued a warrant for al-Bashir's arrest on charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes.

"At a time when the ICC ignores the inhuman war crimes in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Palestine, such a warrant reflects a clear discrimination in implementing justice and therefore (is) unacceptable for the international society," the spokesman said.

"The problem in Darfur is an internal matter of Sudan and should be settled through wise and peaceful means," Ghashghavi added. (dpa)
