Rise in teenage pregnancies

Rise in teenage pregnancies A recent study showed that number of teenage girls getting pregnant in England and Wales have risen for the first time in five years.

Report revealed that number of underage births has fallen because of increased use of abortion in last ten years but Britain has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Europe.

In 2007 there were 41.9 conceptions for every 1,000 under-18 girls as compared to 40.9 the year previously and the first rise since 2002.

Recent figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) indicate that the aim of government to halve teenage pregnancies by next year seemed difficult to achieve.

Government announced an extra 20.5 million pounds to be spent in improving young people's access to contraception and raise their awareness of unprotected sex.

Children's Minister Beverley Hughes said under-18 conceptions were down nearly 11 percent and teenage births were down 23 percent since the Labour government's strategy began in 1998 -- the year when underage conceptions peaked and which is the baseline for the government's target.
