Loneliness As Harmful As Smoking & Obesity, Say Researchers
Researchers at the University of Chicago have disclosed that loneliness can be as injurious to one’s health as smoking and obesity.
The study scientists found that loneliness not only makes people sad but have a negative effect on their mind as well as heath. In fact, it may lead to high blood pressure and stress levels, general wear and tear, and the chances of having Alzheimer's disease.
Besides that, the researchers also discovered that seclusion lessens one’s determination and perseverance, thus person loses his/her capability to follow a healthy lifestyle.
The study’s lead researcher Prof John Cacioppo of the University of Chicago said that the healthwise disparity between a lonely person and a popular person is like a smoker and a non-smoker.
Prof John said, “Loneliness not only alters behaviour, but loneliness is related to greater resistance to blood flow through your cardiovascular system. Loneliness leads to higher rises in morning levels of the stress hormone cortisol, affects the immune system, higher blood pressure and depression.”
“The lonely have poor health. They exercise less, are more likely to quit. Eat more calories. They comfort eat more fats and sugars. Loneliness also lowers the ability to control yourself,” Prof added.
The researchers came to the conclusion after analyzing the loneliness level or social behavior of 23 female undergraduates, using fMRI (functional MRIdefine).