Culture of visiting pubs and bars rising among youngsters in Delhi
Recent survey by NGO Campaign Against Drunken Driving (CADD) revealed that nearly 80 per cent of youngster visiting pubs and bars in Delhi is are below the age of 25 years.
Of the underage population at the city's pubs, 67 percent are below 21 years of age. The survey was conducted from December 2008-January 2009, amongst 1,000 youth who go to pubs and bars. Findings also indicated that the culture of visiting pubs is increasing among the youngsters in the city.
Delhi's Excise Law prohibits the sale of liquor to or by anyone below 25 years. The survey showed that nearly 33 per cent of those below 16 years of age easily procured alcohol from Government authorized liquor vendors, bars and pubs. It also found that nearly 44.4 per cent of class 12th students have consumed alcohol in the last 30 days.
Prince Singhal, founder of CADD said: "Underage drinking presents an enormous public health issue. Alcohol is the drug of choice among children and young adults. This initiative of a survey on underage drinking in the national capital was to intensify research, evaluation and outreach efforts regarding underage drinking."