No Cricket With India Will Result In Financial Loss To PCB

No Cricket With India Will Result In Financial Loss To PCBThe Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) needs to resume cricket ties with India as soon as possible to save them from huge losses in the upcoming years which has been suspended due to tension between both countries.

PCB has television rights contract with the Dubai based TV Channel Ten Sports in which Pakistan has been supposed to play at least two bilateral series against India which is not looking possible until now.

One of the senior officials said that the Ten Sports and PCB has inked a contract of USD 140.5 million dollars for TV rights and a major part of their earnings was expected to come from broadcasting the bilateral series between India and Pakistan.

He added that PCB and the network had already lost earnings of USD 40 million as India had not toured Pakistan for test series earlier this year.

It should be noted that the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has not planned any bilateral series between India and Pakistan in the new Future Tour Program for 2012 saying that the relations between both countries had not suitable for cricket ties and they will arrange series as and when the tension between two nations will ease.