Nicotine replacement therapy can cut complication risk after surgery

Nicotine replacement therapy can cut complication risk after surgeryWashington, Sept 4 : Nicotine replacement therapy at least four weeks before surgery can almost halve the risk of poor wound healing in smokers, suggest researchers.

"It is not easy to quit smoking just before an operation," said Professor Peter Sawicki, the Institute''s Director.

"But people who smoke are more likely to have complications after surgery than people who do not smoke," he added.

Experts from German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) have revealed that nicotine replacement therapy can help people quit smoking and avoid complications after surgery.

It helps reduce withdrawal symptoms when people stop smoking by giving them nicotine through a patch or chewing gum.

The study has shown that only 14 percent of the patients who smoked had problems with wound healing if they had nicotine replacement therapy at least four weeks before surgery, compared to 28 percent of the patients who did not have nicotine replacement therapy.

"Anaesthetics and surgery put a strain on the body''s oxygen supply as it is," said Professor Sawicki.

"Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen that is available in the blood even more, making it more difficult for wounds to heal - a process which requires oxygen," he added.

The study appears on informedhealthonline. org. (ANI)