Newzbin to release software to bypass BT blockade

Newzbin to release software to bypass BT blockadeNewzbin2, which offers a collection of pirated content to its members, has said that it will soon release software to bypass a blockade imposed by the British Telecom on the site after an order from the high-court in the UK.

Newzbin2 emerged after its predecessor Newzbin was shut down following an earlier court order. The High Court had ordered BT to block access to Newzbin2 in July after the Motion Picture Association, which is a joint initiative by leading Hollywood studios, won legal proceedings against the site.

Newzbin2 operators released the first version of client software aimed at bypassing the blockade and restoring the service on Tuesday and followed with an update.

"We are pleased to announce the first Newzbin2 client software. This is targeted at UK users who are likely to get blocked in October. This first version is a bit rushed and so not very polished," the pirated content collector said in a blog post.

BT ahs blocked the site using its Cleanfeed system and now the site is responding by creating progammes to breach the Cleanfeed. BT has not commented on the matter yet.