New Drug for Jet Lag

New Drug for Jet LagResearchers reported that an experimental drug that acts like the hormone melatonin can help jet-lagged travelers and night-shift workers by resetting the body’s circadian rhythms. The experimental drug, called tasimelteon, also known as VEC-162, manufactured by Maryland-based Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. has been reported to help patients sleep longer and more deeply than a placebo and helps restore normal sleep patterns.

The researchers in report published in the Lancet medical journal said, "Tasimelteon has the potential for the treatment of patients with transient insomnia associated with circadian rhythm sleep disorders, including people affected by jet lag, or those who work at night, and early-riser workers."

The Phase II and III of the study was conducted by Dr. Shantha Rajaratnam of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston and colleagues, who studied 450 people who were subjected to simulated jet lag in a sleep laboratory. They were tested using devices known as polysomnographs, which measure sleep activity and the researchers found that the subjects who were given the drug had near normal sleep the first night it was used and there were no after effects and minimal side effects. Dr. Elizabeth B. Klerman, one of the co-authors of the study said tasimelteon, unlike conventional sleeping aids such as Ambien or Lunesta has no potential for addiction or abuse.

The study said U. S. labor statistics report that about 20 % of the workforce or about 19.7 million U. S. workers are early risers who start work between 2:30 a. m. and 7 a. m. The researchers said, "Most of these people probably experience chronic sleep restriction because they are unable to initiate and maintain sleep when they attempt to sleep in the early or late evening hours. Tasimelteon might alleviate this problem by advancing the sleep-wake cycle, by providing a direct sleep-promoting effect, or both."

Dr. Daniel Cardinali of the University of Buenos Aires and Dr Diego Golombek, National University of Quilmes in Argentina, said as drugs like valium can be addictive, "Shift-workers, airline crew, tourists, football teams, and many others will welcome the results of Shantha Rajaratnam and colleagues' study in The Lancet today," they wrote.