Netherlands National Institute for Safety to get ADMS from ETC
According to the reports, the Netherlands National Institute for Safety has selected Environmental Tectonics Corp. to deliver its disaster simulators for training applications.
It will provide six of its Advanced Disaster Management Simulators to the National Institute for Safety for use by its Academy for Crisis Management, Fire Academy and Emergency Medical Service Academy, says Pennsylvania's ETC.
The contract additionally includes an upgrade to the ADMS software used at the National Institute for Safety that includes a new Scenario Generator simulation technology, says ETC.
The virtual reality Scenario Generator solution enables authorities to create new situations for emergency response personnel to react to by moving various vehicles and street furniture among other props, said ETC ADMS President Marco van Wijngaarden.
van Wijngaarden said, "National Institute for Safety has been an ETC customer for many years and we value our ongoing relationship." (With Inputs from Agencies)