Musharraf was on Qaeda’s hit-list for diffusing tensions with India

Musharraf was on Qaeda’s hit-list for diffusing tensions with IndiaNew York, Aug 21 : During his seven-year rule as President of Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf defused tensions with India and also cut off terror infiltration routes across Kashmir, and “due to such co-operation, he was at the top of Al Qaeda’s target list and dodged three assassination attempts,” said an editorial in the Wall Street Journal

It also praised Musharraf for aligning himself with the war on terror against the Taliban and other militants, and his peaceful departure spoke well of Pakistan’s underlying political resilience.

“We only wish the coalition government, that will now have to govern, has shown signs that it is up to the job,” said the WSJ editorial.

It added: “His government co-operated in the capture of 9/11 plotters Ramzi Binalshibh and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed among others, and he put Dr AQ Khan, a scientist involved in nuclear proliferation, under house arrest. He defused tensions with India and appears to have cut off terror infiltration routes across Kashmir. Due to such co-operation, Musharraf was at the top of Al Qaeda’s target list and dodged three assassination attempts.”

The paper described Musharraf as a clumsy politician who couldn’t foresee the political fallouts of his moves and decisions. “However, like other military men who take power in coups, he was a clumsy politician. He struck a deal in 2006 with tribal chiefs along the border with Afghanistan, creating a sanctuary for the Taliban, which is now resurgent and threatening both countries. And, he turned a blind eye to seminaries that were breeding grounds for jihadists,” said the editorial.

It further said: “He also misjudged Pakistan’s public mood, inflaming the opposition last year with his decision to fire the country’s highest-ranking judge, jailing lawyers and civic leaders and declaring martial law. Those decisions squandered whatever legitimacy the general had built in restoring order after the last chaotic democratic government.” (ANI)