Musharraf turns into "Mouth ka Saudagar”

New Delhi, Jan 14: Pakistan President Pervez MusharrafPervez Musharraf just can't get enough of media coverage it seems. An interview a day and foot in mouth syndrome the President's passion it seems, his latest being an interview to Fareed Zakaria of the Newsweek magazine, in which he waxed eloquently about why he is the only person capable of fighting the jihads.

According to Pervez Musharraf one of his qualifications is that he can take on Hillary Clinton. "I can speak out against Hillary Clinton. I can speak out against anyone." He is dismissive of Hillary Clinton's opinions about the security situation in Pakistan claiming that its because she has no access to intelligence briefs and once she becomes President, if she does, she will sing a different tune.

Musharraf dismisses Hillary Clinton's suggestions that Britain and the US should take joint control of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Three times in the course of the interview he is derisive of Hillary's apparent lack of information on this score. He adds that Benazir couldn't have fought the jihads because "she was very unpopular with the military. Very unpopular". According to the President unless you have the military with you, fighting extremists is impossible. Also he adds " Pakistani's know I can be tough." Just incase anybody had any misgivings on that score.
