MMA launches India Local Council – first local council in APAC region

Mobile Marketing AssociationWith the view to provide the mobile marketing industry – comprising mobile carriers, application developers, brands and agencies – a common platform in India, the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA) has announced the launch of its India Local Council.

AT present, the India Local Council boasts of members of 34 leading organizations in the industry including - Admob, BDA Connect, Coca-Cola, Google, Yahoo! India, Nokia, Vodafone, Tata Teleservices, Reuters, Group M, Hungama, Indiagames, Microsoft, mKhoj, mobile2win, and Velti.

The newly-announced council is the MMA’s first local council in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, with plans of setting up Local Councils in other countries in the region in due course of time.

About India Local Council’s launch, MMA President and CEO Mike Wehrs said: “Asia Pacific remains one of the strongest regions for mobile marketing, with mobile penetration being higher than any other region globally. Through the India Local Council initiative, we aim to considerably increase the mobile marketing momentum in India.”

Detailing the chief functions that the India Council is expected to perform under two elected co-chairs, Rohit Dadwal - Managing Director, MMA’s APAC region – said that the Council would adopt the current MMA guidelines for the local markets; build metrics; uphold mobile as a vital means of marketing; and craft mobile marketing and promotional tools for the industry.