Minneapolis Ranked First in Health by Livability.Com

A recent report from Livability. com revealed that Minneapolis, the 14th largest city in the United States, is the healthiest city in the country as well.

The report in which Minneapolis was ranked first in health highlighted the fact that the city's park system has been marked as the best in the country by several organizations.

Livability also stated that the city also offers plentiful of exercise opportunities. It also said the city features good food choices and also has a strong support networks to help live healthy lives.

Editors of the website even looked at data compilations which included checking the adult obesity rate percentage of residents with access to healthy food and number of hospitals, ratio of doctors to residents and many more.

Livability Editor Matt Carmichael said, "The link between cities and health is increasingly clear. It's not enough to have a great hospital to take care of you when you're sick. The city itself can help you lead a healthier life".

As per the report, Cambridge, Massachusetts was given the second position on the list. They were followed by Madison, Wisconsin at number third, Miami, Florida at fourth position.

Monday night Happy Hour in the city of Minenapolis takes on several different forms, where at Ecopolitan on Lyndale, it is a raw food time on the other people use the evening time as flex time like at Yoga Center in the North Loop in Minneapolis.

Matt Carmichael of Livability. com said it is not at all surprising to hear that the coldest city of the US was named as the healthiest.

"People in Minnesota have figured out how to make use of the winter weather and how to be inside and be fit year around", she said.

More than 85% of the people in the city opt for exercising while less than 10% of them go for drink, showed report.