Milk additives unlikely to boost nutrition

Milk additives unlikely to boost nutritionMelbourne, Sept 1 : A new study has revealed that milk boasting added calcium, vitamin D, or omega-3 fatty acids, are unlikely to boost nutrition.

The research led by consumer group choice showed that generic supermarket milk delivers the same nutritional benefits but for half the price.

Comparing up to 100 of the leading milk brands, including organics, the researchers found that those, which marketed low-saturated fats, only had a negligible difference.

For milk boasting omega-3 fats, an individual has to drink two litres to get the same benefit as eating a 50g portion of salmon.

However, the only real difference in milk was the fat content, which is how full-cream, low-fat and skim are divided.

The study showed that full cream milk must have at least 3.2 per cent fat, light milk no more than 1.5 per cent, while skim contains less than 0.1 per cent fat.

"Despite the profusion of brands and the plethora of claims, the only really meaningful choice when buying milk is between full-cream, low-fat and skim," The Age quoted Choice as saying in its final verdict.

It added all the tested milks were a good source of calcium, of between 115mg and 120mg of calcium per 100ml. (ANI)