Microsoft Brings Improved Features To Its SQL Server 2008

A whole new version of SQL Server by Microsoft is soon to hit the market, which Microsoft Brings Improved Features To Its SQL Server 2008 will be filled with new and exciting features like support for policy-based management, auditing, large-scale data warehousing, geospatial data, and advanced reporting and analysis services.

“Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is the only major database to include comprehensive, tightly integrated functionality for data management, as well as advanced business intelligence out of the box,” pointed out Ted Kummert, corporate vice president of the Data and Storage Platform Division at Microsoft.

He also added that this server has been released keeping in mind the customers. The company aims at saving the time and money of the customers and also allows them to focus on deriving the most value form their data assets by offering a complete solution.

SQL is the only database management system capable of delivering scalable results on TPC-E, the Transaction Processing Performance Council’s (TPC) newest and most challenging online transaction processing (OLTP) benchmark, according to the Microsoft.

Clear Channel Communications Inc., Fidelity Investments, Hilton Hotels Corp., Simon & Schuster Inc., Siemens AG and Xerox Corp., as well as many others, have already started testing Microsoft’s SQL Sever 2008.

The MSDN and TechNet subscribers could avail the SQL Server 2008 from August 7, 2008 and will also be available for evaluation downloading. The price of SQL Server will not increase with SQL Server 2008, the company unveiled.

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