Men find Women more attractive after a drink

Men find Women more attractive after a drinkBeauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. The recent research has proven this age-old saying. The researchers from Bristol University claim that drinking in small quantity influences aesthetic parameters of a person. The study showed that a drink increases the attractiveness of a person in the eyes of the viewer.

Also, the research suggested that a drink can make an unattractive person attractive in the eyes of the viewer.

The study was led by Dr. Marcus Munafo, an experimental psychologist at Bristol University. Researchers studied the effect of vodka on men and women.

Researchers divided volunteers for the study in two groups. Researchers asked first group to drink vodka .The other group was given a non-alcoholic drink. Then researchers asked these people to rate attractiveness of 20 male and 20 female faces on a seven-point scale.

Researchers analyzed the data collected from both the groups. The study showed that the group which was served vodka, found the faces more attractive. The group that had been drinking alcohol gave 10 percent higher rating to the face as compared to the non-drinkers.

Researchers also found that the effect of a drink last for more than 24 hours in men. Researchers claim that that alcohol stimulates the striatum, an area of the brain that plays an important role in attraction. Due to this reason even an unattractive female looks attractive to a male after a drink. Researchers say that this could be an important reason behind unsafe sex.
