Mediterranean Diet Helps in Lowering Risk of Uterine Cancer
A new study has suggested that a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and monosturated fats not only helps in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease but also proves beneficial in lowering risk of uterine cancer.
According to PerfScience, the Mediterranean-style diet helps the body to get the right balance of nutrients that are necessary for boosting the body's natural defenses against cancer.
Milan's Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche's Cristina Bosetti in a study published in British Journal of Cancer highlighted how the famous Mediterranean diet can significantly help in reducing the risk of uterine cancer.
Bosetti and her team surveyed at least 5,000 women in Italy, where the diet is very common.
Using a 9-component checklist, researchers were able to find out which of the women adhered as close to the diet as possible.
Further they discovered that the more the women ate the traditional Mediterranean diet, less likely they had the risk of having uterine cancer.
Researchers said that woman who matched to seven out of the nine components of the diet have lesser risk of more than 55%. Whereas women those who followed five components have a reduced chance of having uterine cancer by 34%.
On the other hand, women who followed less than five of the components were found to have reduced risk, but it is not considered as significant as the others.
Researchers during the study did not analyze the cause and effect between the two variables. But Bosetti in the end gave a conclusion that the study is a proof that how a diet can contribute to chances of having cancer-or not.
Although Mediterranean diet gives more focus to fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and fish, it does not remove meat, and suggest that is should be consumed carefully.