Medical marijuana becomes Legal in Minnesota

On Wednesday, medical marijuana became legal in Minnesota. After few hours, the state’s first cannabis clinic was opened for which people have been waiting for so long. The clinic opened early in the morning, so that it can handle the rush.

It is said that the state’s medical marijuana program is one of the most stringently regulated one in the country. In Minnesota, cannabis will be sold in the form of pill, oil and liquids and not as smokable plant material.

It is expected that the manufacturers will be able to provide doses as per the demand of the situation. On Wednesday, there were 90 patients who were enrolled in the state’s Office of Medical Cannabis. Only those can take part in the program who suffers from one of nine serious medical conditions.

Secondly, patients should be certified from a health care professional that he is eligible for the program. As per a data, patients having epilepsy make up around 25% of the 177 patients who have received certification in the program.

In the case of multiple sclerosis, it was second-largest enrollment group and then it was patients who were seeking treatment for nausea or severe, chronic pain. It shall be noted that not every qualified person was able to sign up.

It has been found that many doctors in Minnesota are shying away from the program. It has made patients to look out for certifying physician and this way, patients’ enrollment can be delayed by months.