McCain camp''s attacks on Obama not really on target: CBS
Washington, Sept. 11: A reality check on the McCain campaign’s attack on Senator Barack Obama''s supposed insult of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, suggests that the Republicans may be off target, according to a CBS News report.
According to CBS, the McCain campaign has jumped too hard on Obama''s use of the phrase "lipstick on a pig."
The facts suggest that Obama did not mention Palin. He was focused on the central argument of his campaign: that McCain''s promise of change is hollow because his policies would be no different than President Bush''s.
"That''s not change. That''s just calling something, the same thing, something different. You know you can put lipstick on a pig, but it''s still a pig."
The McCain Campaign’s criticism Obama''s education record, especially his views on sex education, also suggest that it was off target.
The facts are that the bill, introduced in the Illinois legislature, never became law. It called for non-mandatory sex education for grades K-12 that was "age and developmentally appropriate." For kindergarteners, that included, among other things, "how to say no to unwanted sexual advances."
Obama voted for the bill in committee and says he supports similar laws in other states. He said the point was to help parents teach their children how to deal with sexual predators. (ANI)