Malaysian driver's road rage ends with a bang, and a whimper
Kuala Lumpur - A Malaysian driver, who repeatedly sounded his horn at another driver, received a rude shock when the motorist responded by firing his shot gun into the air, a news report said Thursday.
The man was driving home late Wednesday in the central Seremban city when he grew annoyed with a car in front of him which was moving slowly. The man then began sounding his horn at the motorist, the Star daily said.
The car, with four men in it, moved to the side to allow the motorist to pass but suddenly overtook the driver and forced him to stop.
The driver of the car immediately walked towards the honking motorist and fired a shot in the air, said state crime chief Huzir Mohamad.
The gunman then went back to his vehicle and sped off.
The shaken motorist lodged a report at a nearby police station. (dpa)