Malay ‘grandpa of all devils’ raped 5yr-old granddaughter with three others for 3 weeks

Malay ‘grandpa of all devils’ raped 5yr-old granddaughter with three others for 3 weeksKuala Lumpur, June 6 : A sexagenarian man in Malaysia has been pronounced "grandfather of all devils" after he allegedly raped his five-year-old granddaughter with three others for almost three weeks.

A tabloid called Harian Metro reports that joining him in the alleged crime was his adopted son, who lived with him in Langkap, Teluk Intan,

Noticing physical and mental changes in the little girl, neighbours persuaded her to reveal what had happened, reports the Star Online.

Initially, the girl refused to speak, but later told them about a severe pain in her private parts.

The neighbours reported the matter to the Langkap Development and Village Security Committee (JKKK), and subsequently lodged a police complaint.

Police have arrested the grandfather and two other suspects, believed to be drug addicts, for investigations. Another suspect is believed to be on the run.

The girl's medical examination report from the Teluk Intan Hospital suggests it to be a case of rape, as there was a tear in her private parts. (ANI)