At least 130 Czech athletes to compete at Beijing Olympics

PraguePrague- The Czech Olympic Committee Wednesday nominated 130 Czech competitors for the next month's Olympics in Beijing.

The committee refrained from setting an Olympic medals target, but chairman Milan Jirasek "would be satisfied with eight medals," the number scored in Athens four years ago, committee spokesman Jan Martinek said.

This year's Czech team list includes Athens Olympic medalists such as decathlon champion Roman Sebrle and bronze markswoman Katerina Emmons.

Among those nominated include 2007 women's world javelin champion Barbora Spotakova, sculling team hopefuls Ondrek Synek and Miroslava Knapkova and the doubles tennis players Nicole Vaidisova and Radek Stepanek.

The committee denied a nomination to archer Milan Andreas over marihuana use.

"It is official. He tested positive," Martinek said about a drug test confirming that THC had been detected.

THC, the psychoactive substance in marihuana, figures on a list of compounds banned in sport since 2004. (dpa)