Kurdish station says it has no link to abduction of German climbers

Copenhagen - Denmark-based Kurdish television station Roj TV said Friday it had nothing to do with the abduction of German climbers in Turkey.

"That has nothing in the slightest to do with us. We are also not commenting on this issue," the head of the broadcaster in exile, Manouchehr Zonoozi, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa.

The group that abducted the three Germans late Tuesday, the Kurdish Workers' Party (PKK), said they were taken because the German government had banned Roj TV in Germany at the end of June.

Zonoozi said the ban in Germany was "politically motivated."

He said that Roj TV, which broadcasts from Denmark but also has a studio in Brussels, had never had any connection to the PKK and had never called for violent action.

The PKK is classified by the European Union and United States as a terrorist organization.

The Turkish government has tried for years to have Roj TV banned, also in Denmark, claiming it is a propaganda tool for the PKK. (dpa)