Kitchen Robot Invented That Can Easily Load Dishwasher
It will definitely be a relief for some housewives who don't want to perform the undesirable kitchen chores. Now a robot has been developed that can not only wash the dishes in the sink, but also place them neatly in the dishwasher and then switch the start button. The scientists from the university of Tokyo and electronics company Panasonic created the kitchen assistant robot (KAR).
The robot will be on sale in five years. The robot has been reported to be a part of a series of prototype devices designed to perform the household activities. 18 delicate sensors have been placed in KAR that makes it capable of griping expensive and delicate China without damaging, in the palm-like device.
The internal camera installed inside KAR determines the shapes and size of the culinary ware before picking them up. Presently, the researchers are aiming at creating a much smaller and lighter robot that would load the dishes of a family of four within minutes.
The scientists are also planning to create robots that can perform boring activities like laundry and various others.