King Of Pop Not Sick: Jackson Agent

King Of Pop Not Sick: Jackson AgentIn a press release, Jackson agent said that the singer is very much fine and also denied the reports that the King of Pop is suffering from life-threatening lung disease and needs a lung transplant terming such reports as ‘total fabrication’.

Earlier on Sunday, a British newspaper has claimed that Pop legend Michael Jackson is suffering from a rare lung condition and is "close to death".

Responding to the comments, the singer’s agent said, “Concerning this author’s allegations, we would hope in the future that legitimate media will not continue to be exploited by such an obvious attempt to promote this unauthorised ‘biography.”

The spokesman also dismissed the reports that 50 year old singer was suffering from ‘alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency’ and needed a lung transplant.

“Jackson is in fine health, and finalising negotiations with a major entertainment company and television network for both a world tour and a series of specials and appearances, “added the singers agent.

It may be recalled here that Halperin, who is working on a biography of Jackson, had earlier claimed that the singer can barely speak and suffers from emphysema and internal bleeding, and has lost 95 per cent of vision in his left eye.

Jackson has been famous for undergoing multiple plastic surgeries and his unconventional lifestyle. In 2005, the 50 year old singer from US has also been accused of child abuse charges.