Key Mechanism that Causes Aging Discovered

Researchers from the Salk Institute in the US and the Chinese Academy of Science conducted a study in which they have been able to discover deterioration of a specific set of DNA bundles called heterochromatin that majorly determines how fast or slow a person ages.

Discovery of the mechanism responsible for aging has given confidence to scientists that the process can be slowed or in fact, may be even reversed. The researchers said if the rate of degeneration can be altered or even reversed, it could lead to development of new treatments for age-related diseases like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

The researchers affirmed that they were studying Werner syndrome and while studying them, they focused on heterochromatin, a DNA cluster responsible for the genetic mutations. The researchers then noticed that heterochromatin severely disrupts normal cellular functions making cells to age and die early if destabilized.

Once the destabilization sets in, people age dramatically and eventually their health deteriorates and they die, affirmed senior researcher Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte from the Salk Institute.

“Our findings present that the gene mutation that causes Werner syndrome leads to the disorganisation of heterochromatin, and that this disruption of regular DNA packaging is a key driver of ageing”, stated Juan.

The researchers said that disruption in normal DNA packaging is the main driver of aging. The researchers also came to know that if WRN, a gene that helps maintain the structure and integrity of a person’s DNA, it produces a mutant protein, and they suffer from Werner syndrome.

The researchers were also able to prove that heterochromatin strands are present in all humans, but not in those who suffer from Werner syndrome.