Kate Upton’s Sports Illustrated’s swimsuit cover could help boost stocks

Kate-UptonWashington, Feb 16 : Kate Upton, who has landed on the cover of Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue for the second year in a row, may be unknowingly helping the stocks go up.

There are many myths about stock market performance being linked to all sorts of indicators, such as lipstick indicator, the hemline indicator and the cardboard box indicator.

Even links to the Pittsburgh Steelers winning the Super Bowl and the butter production in Bangladesh supposedly telling us what type of year to expect.

One of the most interesting is the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Cover Indicator, established by the Bespoke Investment Group, which states that stocks perform better when an American graces the cover of the swimsuit issue, CBS News reported.

From 1964 through 2012, the average annual return of the S and P 500 Index has been 11 percent but the average return when an American is on the cover is 11.8 percent, compared with 10.7 percent when a non-American appears.

The yearly return of the S and P 500 was higher than average in 16 of the 24 years when an American graced the cover but when a non-American appeared, the S and P 500 outperformed its average only nine times in 20 tries. (ANI)