Jimmy Carter takes Sunday school Class Few Hours after his 28-year-old grandson’s Death
For the first time, Jimmy Carter reached late to his Bible study class on Sunday. The former US President broke the news that his 28-year-old grandson, Jeremy, has died. The 91-year-old grandfather also apologized for being late.
Voice of Carter, who some days ago made an announcement that he is now cancer-free, was indicating the former president was very sad. With a heavy heart, Carter announced that his grandson had died some hours before. Relatives tried to revive Jeremy with CPR, but it was an unsuccessful attempt.
“When he got ready to eat supper, he told his mother that he thought he would lie down awhile. His heart quit beating”, Carter said.
The cause of Jeremy’s death is still not clear, but the grandfather said his 28-year-old grandson was not feeling well on Saturday. Jeremy’s mother found that his heart wasn’t working properly. His heart stopped beating when he went to take nap at his home in Peachtree City, as per sources.
The Maranatha Baptist Church, where Carter announced about two weeks ago that he was cancer free, was the same place where the former president revealed his grandson’s death. Carter, a former peanut farmer, earlier said that doctors do not spot any cancer, but he will continue to undergo regular treatment.
Carter was the US president from 1977 to 1981. He was criticized by a number of people, but he also won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.