Jeb Bush asks Americans to work for longer hours
According to reports, last night, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said that Americans should “work longer hours”. He was speaking in a New Hampshire Union-Leader interview. He told reporters at a campaign event that he meant people should work for longer hours so as to grow the economy and was talking about part-time workers.
Last night, Bush said that in order to grow economy of the country, people should stop working as part-time workers and should be given access to greater prospects for working; it could be taken as other way around but high sustaining growth indicates that people should work for 40 hours, instead of 30 hours.
Bush also talked about Donald Trump, when he was in town hall meeting last night. He spoke in response to a personal comment on Twitter by Trump and assured that he will approach Latino voters since the real-estate mogul carry on criticizing Mexican illegal immigrants.
Bush told a crowd of over 150 at a VFW that he will be campaigning in the Latino communities throughout the country and could use both Spanish and English to do so. Bush also said, “I’m going to do it in a way that hopefully draws people to our cause … I believe young people … African-Americans … Hispanics … everyone is eventually going to be a conservative, they just don’t know it yet”.
DNC spokeswoman Holly Shulman called it a comment, which is out-of-touch and said that Bush is not going to fight for the middle class.