Japan's new cabinet lineup
Tokyo - A list of the Japanese coalition government's cabinet members announced Wednesday, with ages:
Prime Minister: Taro Aso, 68
Internal Affairs and Communications Minister (in charge of decentralization of administration): Kunio Hatoyama, 60
Justice Minister: Eisuke Mori, 60
Foreign Minister: Hirofumi Nakasone, 62
Finance Minister and state minister in charge of financial services: Shoichi Nakagawa, 55
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Minister: Ryu Shionoya, 58
Health, Labour and Welfare Minister: Yoichi Masuzoe, 59
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister: Shigeru Ishiba, 51
Economy, Trade and Industry Minister: Toshihiro Nikai, 69
Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Minister: Nariaki Nakayama, 65
Environment Minister: Tetsuo Saito, 56
Defense Minister: Yasukazu Hamada, 52
Chief Cabinet Secretary (in charge of abduction issues): Takeo Kawamura, 65
Chairman, National Public Safety Commission, and state minister in charge of Okinawa and Northern Territories and disaster prevention: Tsutomu Sato, 56
State minister in charge of economic and fiscal policy: Kaoru Yosano, 70
State minister in charge of regulatory, administrative reform and public servant system reform: Akira Amari, 59
State minister in charge of science and technology policy, food safety and consumers affairs: Seiko Noda, 48
State minister in charge of declining birthrate and gender equality: Yuko Obuchi, 34 (dpa)