Indiana sees surge in Child Abuse Deaths

Indiana youth institute released an annual report on kids count. It mentioned various factors impacting the youth and adolescents. Among the factors, child maltreatment proved more detrimental than others as the deaths caused have risen greatly, while child pregnancies have fallen.

Indiana has its name among the top five states in most cases of child abuse and neglect. The year 2014 saw a child abuse and neglect case in every 20 minutes. Moreover, within six months of first case, 90% of the children do not report the next case of maltreatment.

On the other hand, the cases of teen pregnancies have declined as number of abortions has fallen to 943 in 2013 from 1,828 in 2003. However, the risk still persists. The girls giving birth in their early teens are likely to become school dropouts. Fewer than half of them receive a high school diploma when they turn 22.

Other factors such as child care shortages and homicide which doubled in 2013 are a cause of concern. There are 4,000 licensed day care centers for children in Indiana. Because of the shortage of care centers, parents put children in other unlicensed cares, which can be unsecured.

The homicide is a prime factor of deaths in black men than white between 15 and 24 years old. About 61% of the deaths reported are due to homicide, while the figure for white is comparatively less at 4.6%.

Indiana almost tops the list of state with most substance abuse among youth in entire country. The figure for 2014 is 1,500. One in six high school students consumed drug other than tobacco and alcohol in the past month.