India Disaster Management Congress begins in Delhi from Wednesday
New Delhi, Nov 3 : The second India Disaster Management Congress will be held at the Vigyan Bhavan in the national capital from Wednesday.
The Congress is being organized by the National Institute of Disaster Management in collaboration with the Ministry of Home affairs, National Disaster Management Authority, United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations Children’s Fund, United Nations Development Programme, United States Agency for International Development, World Health Organization and Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.
The three-day Congress is expected to bring together 1500 scientists, scholars and practitioners working on different aspects of disaster risk reduction and management across the world, while each Thematic Session shall have a minimum of six paper presentations.
A number of issues pertaining to disaster risk reduction, management, emergency response and various cross cutting issues during disaster events will be the focus of discussion in this congress.
The congress will have participants from various Government, Non-Governmental, international, research and academic institutions, which are concerned with various issues related to disaster management.
International experts have been invited as guest speakers from across the globe.
Former President Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam will chair the valedictory session, which will be an opportunity to highlight and bring to notice issues, challenges, shortcomings, opportunities and road map ahead in the field of disaster management.
The idea of holding the India Disaster Management Congress was conceived in order to provide a platform for interaction and integration of knowledge on various aspects of disaster risk reduction and management.
The first India Disaster Management Congress was held at New Delhi in November 2006, which was the largest knowledge conference on disaster management ever held in this part of the world. More than 1200 delegates from all over the country attended it and 350 technical papers were presented.
The First India Disaster Management Congress had 7 Thematic Clusters and 18 Thematic Sessions. (ANI)