Increasing Oil Prices May Save Many Lives

The increasing prices of oil could be blessing in disguise for many people Increasing Oil Prices May Save Many Lives especially teenagers.

According to the study done by Michael Morrisey of the University of Alabama at Birmingham and David Grabowski of Harvard Medical School, the increase in oil prices lead to the decrease in number of accidents.

The study found that for every 10 percent increase in gas prices there was a 2.3 percent decline in auto deaths. For drivers ages 15 to 17, the decline was 6 percent, and for ages 18 to 21, it was 3.2 percent.

The reason behind this unusual relationship is that whenever price of oil rise, people drive less vehicles hence decrease many instances of road accidents.

Clarence Ditlow, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Auto Safety said, "There are a whole bunch of factors that are influenced by higher gasoline prices — teenagers don't have as much money, so you have the most risky drivers driving less; people are switching out of the bigger, older more dangerous vehicles, and people also know if they drive slower they're going to save gasoline."

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