Hundreds bid final Goodbye to NYC College Dean Killed in Amtrak Crash

A college dean was killed in Amtrak crash in Philadelphia this month. A number of people gathered on Friday at a New York City funeral home to mourn the death of dean, Derrick Griffith. As per reports of the Daily News, more than 500 mourners gathered to say goodbye to Griffith in Bronx.

According to the reports, Griffith was the dean of student affairs at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn. While mourning the death, Professor Elaine Reid said the dean’s death was a terrible loss. According to her, professors, students and staff members at the college were distraught after Griffith’s death.

Griffith was among the eight people who were killed when a Washington-to-New York Amtrak train derailed in Philadelphia on May 12. The 42-year-old dean had just finished his Ph.D, according to the reports. Griffith had to march in a graduation ceremony next week.

Griffith was well known for his dedication to poor youth trying to find a pathway to higher education. According to Reid, Griffith was a good human being. She had never seen him angry or upset, Reid said.

Griffith’s funeral at a New York City funeral home was filled with family member, friends, and colleagues. Cops were standing outside the funeral home to direct traffic. Dr. Gillian Bayne, a professor at Lehman College, said, “It’s a tragedy. It’s amazing he was able to do so much”.

According to the reports, Griffith was survived by his mother and his 24-year-old son, Darryus Griffith. John Mogulescu, CUNY dean of professional studies, said Griffith’s death was surprising. Griffith was larger than life and always helped poor students Mogulescu added.