High-potency Cannabis may Damage White Matter in Brain

A new study has indicated that high-potency cannabis could be dangerous for whiter matter in brain. It may harm nerve fibres that work to control the message flow in brain’s two halves, left and right hemispheres, as per the study.

After studying brain scans of regular smokers of skunk-like cannabis, study researchers found differences in the white matter that link the two halves and transfer messages from one section to another. The change was not observed in individuals who never had cannabis, the researchers explained.

It is the first that effects of high-potency cannabis on the structure of brain have been spotted. It warned that excessive use of cannabis could lead to more harm to the corpus callosum. Greater use could affect communication between left and right hemispheres, the study indicated.

Paola Dazzan from the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London said the effects found to be linked to the level of tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, in cannabis. The traditional cannabis type can have THC about 2 to 4%, while the high-potency cannabis may contain THC in greater amount, 10 to 14%, the DrugScope charity said.

Dazzan explained, “If you look at the corpus callosum, what we’re seeing is a significant difference in the white matter between those who use high potency cannabis and those who never use the drug, or use the low-potency drug”.

The study researchers used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) techniques to analyze the corpus callosum of 56 brains.