Haiti needs International assistance, says United Nations

Haiti needs International assistance, says United NationsHaiti needs International assistance, says United NationsThe United Nations says that a conference this month of those donating to Haiti's recovery will highlight the organization's effort toward donor solidarity.

CNN reported on Monday that U. N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon have said that the March 31 international donors conference at U. N. headquarters in New York is focused on obtaining the means to provide shelter to displaced people, sanitation and reconstruction.

He said, "We have provided at least 700,000 people with tents, tarpaulins and plastic sheeting. This however is not enough, as it covers just 60 percent of the 1.3 million displaced persons."

Haiti's needs include money for schools, infrastructure, roads and power, Ban further said.

He also said, "For the foreseeable future, the government will need international assistance simply to cover its payroll i. e. teachers, police, doctors and nurses, civil servants and basic services."

CNN also reported Ban as saying that the challenge is keeping solidarity beyond the conference. (With Input from Agencies)