Gym-goers use Battle Ropes for Tough Workout

Battle rope is the new fitness tool in gyms and it has been gaining a lot of popularity in the recent months. People have been incorporating it in their workout in order to have a tough workout but at the same time it is engaging and fun.

Fitness experts said anchored ropes have been used in training for sports for a long time. But now, the ropes are being used for an effective workout. Jonathan Ross, spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, said when working out with battle rope muscles can be trained in different ways.

“The ropes show you how you're moving. You see the physical manifestation of the body movement as you watch the ropes. If you do them well, your body is moving well”, affirmed Ross. When working out, two things are more important – posture and coordination.

A research paper published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research has found that a 10-minute workout with rope leads to high heart rates and sufficient energy expenditure to increase cardio respiratory fitness.

Generally, rope classes include a warm-up segment and then experts monitor who is able to keep the movement of the rope for the longest time. Battle ropes come in different diameters and length. To exercise with it, one requires shoulder mobility and stability. Therefore, those having shoulder issues should use them with caution.

Ross said the longer the rope, the more difficult a workout becomes because you need to apply more force to keep the rod stable. He said the correct workout with ropes can be when it is held tightly.