Green Tea - A vaccine for eye diseases
A possibility of cure for Glaucoma and other eye ailments can be aided by green tea. Researchers in Hong Kong have found that it may be a possibility that eye diseases can be treated by consumption of green tea.
The above statement comes in support with an experiment which was performed on rats which yielded positive outcomes. After the laboratory rats drank green tea; analysis of their eye tissues revealed that eye structures absorbed significant amounts of individual catechins (present in green tea and have a number of antioxidants which look after our eye. It includes vitamin C, lutein, vitamin E and zeaxanthin). The retina, for example, absorbed the highest levels of gallocatechin, while the aqueous humor tended to sop up epigallocatechin.
Although green tea's catechins effect longed for 20 hours helping in reducing harmful oxidative stress in the eye. Still, it is on trials whether it can be efficiently used for eye cure or not. A hitch involved in this research; ambiguity of the fact if the catehin is synthesized from the stomach and gastro intestinal parts and passed to eye tissues or some other body part synthesizes it.