Google to follow Twitter on country-specific censorship
Internet giant, Google has said that it might go on the same route as Twitter and might start country-specific censorship of the content on its services.
This has attracted a lot of criticism of the company from around the world as Google is generally seen as a company supporting free speech and free slow of information. Critics say that the move shows that internet firms are bowing to the demands of authoritarian regimes from around the world.
On the other hand, Google has said that the move will actually allow more freedom of speech to the users of its services from across the world. Google said that certain blogs would become inaccessible in one country while they will be available from all other countries in the world.
"This will allow us to continue promoting free expression while providing greater flexibility in complying with valid removal requests in local law," Google said.
Internet companies are arguing that the new approach will allow their services to remain accessible to users even in countries with authoritarian regimes instead of being banned. Google has launched its blogging service named Blogger in 1999 and it had faced bans in countries including Syria, Iran and China over content.