Google to allow Indian SME’s to go online
Global internet giant, Google has said that it is planning to help half a million Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India to have an online presence within this year.
Experts have said that India will become second largest internet market in the world by overtaking the Unites States by the year 2015. The company said that India is a key market and it is focusing on SMEs as they will contribute to its global revenues.
Allan Thygesen, vice president and global head of SMEs for Google said that the company has already launched an initiative to allow SMEs to reach its customers in an affordable manner. The company already has a strong presence in the country as it increased the headcount and developed new products to drive the growth in SMEs sector. Google is currently offering services in English and nine regional languages in India.
Google has 1,200 partners across India in order to help SMEs manage their businesses online. Google has already helped 300,000 SMEs to go online in the previous two years in the country. India already has more than 200 million Internet users and is expected to become the second largest internet country in the world.