George Bush keeps busy cleaning former First Dog’s poop these days!

George Bush keeps busy cleaning former First Dog’s poop these days!New York, April 20 :  revealed how he recently played top pooper-scooper after taking the former First Dog, Barney, for a walk.

At the Boao Forum for Asia, a gathering for government, business and academic leaders, the ex- President of United Stated cracked jokes about his changed role and revealed he had even carried plastic bags to pack the terrier''s dropping.

"I was picking up what I had been dodging for eight years," the New York Daily News quoted him as saying.

The 62-year-old further shared jokes after giving up the Oval Office, narrating one incident when he had collapsed on the couch breathing a sigh of relief, saying: "Free at last".

And his wife, Laura, replied: "You''re free to do the dishes."

Bush later moved on to more serious topics like terrorism and the financial crisis, saying that he recalled calling Wall Street drunk and that it had given the country a hangover.

He joked: "Maybe the next time around, there won''t be enough booze." (ANI)
