Health Update

UTMB Researchers: Fat-Soluble Form Of Vitamin B1 May Treat Common Cause Of Blindness

UTMB Researchers: Fat-Soluble Form Of Vitamin B1 May Treat Common Cause Of BlindnessA new study has revealed that a type of vitamin B1 could become a new as well as effectual treatment for one of the world’s major causes of blindness.

University of Texas Medical Branch researchers think that 10 to 15% of blindness cases in the US take place because of uveitis, a swelling of the tissue positioned just below eyeball’s external surface.

Moreover, the researchers also said that it produces even higher rates of blindness all through the world.

Researchers Find Secret Behind Turmeric’s Therapeutic Power

Indian Turmeric Powder Finally, the researchers have unravelled the secret behind the much hyped therapeutic power of the main component in turmeric, a spice regarded as auspicious and antiseptic in India.

The study was conducted by Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy, professor of biophysics, University of Michigan and his fellow workers.

The research indicated that turmeric has been used in various ways for hundreds of years in Indian folk medicine in order to heal injuries, infections and other troubles related to health.

David Beckham Joins Fight Against Malaria

David Beckham Joins Fight Against MalariaMalaria eradication is within our grasp.

But if we don’t get rid of the disease now, the risk of deadly malaria outbreaks will continue to threaten the world’s people.

This time, Britain’s most iconic athlete David Beckham together with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown made announcement about the launching of an anti-malaria campaign, ‘Malaria No More UK”, with the intention to wipe out the lethal disease in the regions, which have a high incidence of malaria.

Moreover, the campaign will also provide bed nets to those in need.

Lower Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Asthama Severity In Kids

Lower Levels Of Vitamin D Linked To Asthama Severity In KidsA new study has disclosed that the lack of Vitamin D can worsen the symptoms of asthma in kids.

Study’s lead researchers Dr. Juan Celedon, Dr. P.H. and Dr. Augusto Litonjua, of Harvard Medical School showed that lower levels of vitamin D were linked with more serious asthma.

Plan B Made More Accessible

Plan B Made More AccessibleThe Plan B pill which was initially only available to 18 year olds and above will now be made available to 17 yr olds and above, and that too without a prescription. Food and Drug Administration revealed on its website that a federal court ordered that the emergency contraception pill be made available over the counter to those 17 and up.

HSPH study: Children born to shorter mothers 70% more likely to die before 5 years

Journal of the American Medical AssociationAccording to the findings of a study by the researchers from HSPH - Harvard School of Public Health -, the height of the mother has a significant bearing on the health of a child. The study said that children born to women shorter than 4'9" are 70 percent more likely to die, mostly before attaining the age of five.
