Health Update

Second Phase Of Polio Drive A Huge Success: Puducherry Govt

Second Phase Of Polio Drive A Huge Success: Puducherry GovtThe government of Puducherry appreciated the parents who got their children immunized for the second phase of polio immunization across the Union Territory on Sunday.

Speaking on this, Dr Dilip Kumar Baliga, Director of Health and Family Welfare Services said that for the purpose of immunization programme, the officials including paramedics, supervisors and Aanganwari workers were deployed in various centres. He said that all efforts to ensure that the immunisation drive was conducted smoothly.

Genetic Variation Affect Response To Cancer Treatment In Children

Genetic Variation Affect Response To Cancer Treatment In Children Recent research revealed that genetic variations affect the response of patient to treatment for lymphoblastic leukemia. Researchers believe that these genetic variations explain why some children do not respond to the treatment of this type of blood and bone marrow cancer although about 80 percent of children are cured.

Tanning Jabs Can Lead To Problem Of Skin Moles

Tanning Jabs Can Lead To Problem Of Skin Moles  Melanotan I and Melanotan II popularly sold as "injectable tan" can lead to worrying changes in skin moles. Medical experts have issued warning regarding use of such tanning jab as these products are not been tested for safety, quality or effectiveness and that its side-effects were unknown. These products are advertised and sold illegally on the internet and in some tanning salons and body building gyms.

Two recent cases of women who had injected "Melanotan" shortly before noticing the problem of skin moles highlighted the risk from these tanning jab.  

Sitting On Window Seat Might Give You Blood Clot

Sitting On Window Seat Might Give You Blood Clot  Recent study revealed that person sitting on the window seat faces double risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as compared to those sitting on the aisle or in a middle seat. A DVT clot can cause death if it passes through a passenger's bloodstream to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism.

Research team from Leiden University Medical Centre found that obese people have six times higher risk of developing a blood clot when seated by the window. Hence obese passengers should prefer to sit either in the middle or aisle seats.

Reduction In Calories Improving Memory In Elderly

Reduction In Calories Improving Memory In Elderly  Earlier studies have shown that meal comprising of food, less in calorie and rich in unsaturated fatty acids found in olive oil and fish can help in boasting brain function. Recent study showed that reducing number of calories can help elderly in improving memory.

Swedish health agency to study link between disease and travel

Swedish health agencyStockholm - A Swedish health agency Thursday said it was to study the possible link between exotic travel destinations and diseases covered by mandatory reporting rules, including diarrheal illnesses.

"With more knowledge we can work preventively to reduce the number of Swedish nationals infected by serious infectious diseases abroad," said Annika Linde, state epidemiologist with the Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control (SMI).

The agency said it aimed to conduct the survey in conjunction with the travel industry.
