Health News

Taiwan officials find popular fish pedicure fishy

Taiwan officials find popular fish pedicure fishy Taipei  - Fish pedicures are becoming hot in Taiwan, but authorities are pouring cold water on the practice by questioning the effect of the treatment, a newspaper said on Sunday.

Some spa operators in Taiwan, like those in Japan, South Korea and other countries, have imported a special kind of toothless fish to nibble the feet of bathers in their pools, claiming the fish remove dead skin, give a pedicure and treat psoriasis and other ailments.

Breastfeeding ‘makes for well-adjusted kids’

Breastfeeding ‘makes for well-adjusted kids’London, Mar 28 : Traditional parenting methods such as breastfeeding, discipline are likely to bring up well adjusted kids, say researchers.

In the study involving 1,136 mothers, the researchers found that breastfeeding is associated with more positive parenting practices that can continue beyond infancy.

According to the Institute of Education in London, breastfeeding for at least six months not only helps improve mother-child relationships, it also boost kids' health and educational development.

Dementia rates may be reduced by increasing school leaving age

Dementia rates may be reduced by increasing school leaving ageLondon, March 28: Cambridge University researchers say that the time spent in education may reduce people’s risk of dementia later in life.

The researchers compared the mental abilities of elderly people, and found that those born after the school leaving age was raised in the country fared better.

Based on that observation, the researchers came to the conclusion that further changes to the school leaving age could improve mental abilities and curb dementia rates more.

Hinduism specialists discuss contributions of yoga

yogaRelevance of yoga, traces of which date back to Indus Valley Civilization around 2,000 BCE, in the modern world was explored when Swami Sitaramananda, internationally respected yoga virtuoso; and Rajan Zed, acclaimed Hindu statesman; met at Grass Valley in California (USA).

Other topics discussed were spiritual dimension of yoga, realization through Vedanta, maya (universal illusion) and True Reality, manaskara (mind-work), realization of Self, future of yoga, etc.

Zed pointed out that yoga would continue to live and grow, as it was the reservoir of something basic in the human spirit and soul.

Novel test to predict breast cancer metastasis

Novel test to predict breast cancer metastasisWashington, Mar 28 : Researchers from NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center have identified a new marker that may lead to the development of a novel test to predict breast cancer metastasis.

The research team has identified a marker called TMEM, for Tumor Microenvironment of Metastasis, density of which is associated with the development of distant organ metastasis via the bloodstream - the most common cause of death from breast cancer.

28yr-old man gets new nose, mouth and chin via world's fifth face transplant

28yr-old man gets new nose, mouth and chin via world's fifth face transplantLondon, March 28: French surgeons have carried out the world’s fifth face transplant, and given a 28-year-old man a new nose, mouth and chin after his original features were blown off in a shooting accident.

The surgery, which marked the third face transplant in France, took place at the Henri Mondor Hospital, near Paris.

Doctors at the hospital spent 15 hours giving the man a new face, after the accident had destroyed the muscles in the man''s mouth, which prevented him from moving his jaw.
