Health News

Suspending asthma treatment can prove harmful for expectant mums

Suspending asthma treatment can prove harmful for expectant mumsWashington, Mar 11 : Women who suffer from asthma during pregnancy are at a greater risk of giving birth prematurely if they suspend their asthma treatments, according to a new study.

The Université de Montréal study, published in Respiratory Medicine, showed that the probability of suffering from hypertension during pregnancy also increases for women who interrupt their asthma treatment.

Personal trainer in quest of feeling fat swells to 110kg ''for gym clients''!

GymMelbourne, Mar 11 : A personal trainer, who decided to put on weight so that he can better understand his gym clients, has now gained 30kg in three months.

Paul “PJ” James, a former underwear model was 80kg before he went on a junk food binge, eating up to 30 slices of pizza in one sitting, and spending more than he usually did.

“It''s just very expensive to be unhealthy,” News. com. au quoted him as telling the Herald Sun.

“I used to spend about 80 dollars on food a week. I could easily spend 300 dollars now,” he said.

To escalate his weight gain, James has also stopped exercising in a bid to max-out at 120kg.

HIV could become non-lethal with passage of time, says Oz scientist

hivMelbourne, Mar 11 : An Australian scientist has claimed that HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) may adapt so that it is no longer a life-threatening virus.

Speaking ahead of the launch of Adelaide University''s Robinson Institute, Roger Short, a professor from Melbourne University''s medicine faculty, said it was not in the virus''s interest to kill its host.

"If we look into long term future, if humans survive that long, it seems likely that over time the virus, which mutates incredibly rapidly, will eventually adapt so it doesn''t kill us," News. com. au quoted Short, as saying.

Migraines ‘up stroke risk during pregnancy’

Migraines ‘up stroke risk during pregnancy’London, Mar 11 : Women who suffer migraines during pregnancy are at an increased risk of stroke as well as other vascular conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and blood clots, says a new study.

Using a database of over 18 million hospital discharge records, scientists in the United States tested the association between migraine and vascular diseases during pregnancy.

In the British Medical Journal study, boffins identified 33,956 pregnancy related discharges with a diagnosis of migraine from 2000 to 2003.

Stress ‘puts teens at increased cardiovascular disease risk in adulthood’

Washington, Mar 11 : Exposure to stress in adolescence might put teens at an increased cardiovascular disease risk in adulthood, suggests a new study.

Andrew J. Fuligni, a professor of psychiatry at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA has revealed that stressful experiences might put otherwise healthy kids at increased heart disease risk.

The researchers found that a greater frequency of stress was associated with higher levels of an inflammatory marker called C-reactive protein, or CRP, which has been identified as an indicator for the later development of cardiovascular disease

Key molecules that inhibit hepatitis C virus production identified

Key molecules that inhibit hepatitis C virus production identifiedWashington, Mar 11: Researchers from Scripps Florida have identified a potential therapeutic target for hepatitis C.

The research tem led by Professor Donny Strosberg has found that peptides (molecules of two or more amino acids) derived from the core protein of hepatitis C inhibits the production of the actual virus.

"We went for the simplest solution, taking a peptide from core to see if we could block the interaction," Strosberg said, "and it did."
