General Politics

BBC: Agreement reached in Zimbabwe power-sharing deal

BBC: Agreement reached in Zimbabwe power-sharing deal

Politically-motivated clashes leave 3 dead, 12 injured in Bolivia

Politically-motivated clashes leave 3 dead, 12 injured in Bolivia La Paz  - Three people died and at least 12 were injured Thursday in clashes between peasants loyal to Bolivian President Evo Morales and supporters of the opposition governor in Pando province.

The long-standing conflict between the leftist president Morales and five eastern, opposition-controlled provinces over regional autonomy had escalated in previous days.

The incident happened in the town of Tres Barrancas, in the Amazonian jungle, some 1,200 kilometres north of La Paz, Bolivian media reported citing the authorities.

Thailand's ousted premier gets a second shot at the job

Thai political crisis threatens nearly billion-dollar tourism loss Bangkok- Thailand's largest political party on Thursday nominated ousted prime minister Samak Sundaravej to retake the premiership after he was sacked just days ago by a court ruling.

Samak, 73, has accepted the nomination, meaning that the end of Thailand's political crisis is nowhere in sight, according to analysts.

Sex for oil scandal surfaces in US Interior Department

Washington, Sept. 11 : American Government officials handling billions of dollars in oil royalties reportedly engaged in illicit sex with employees of energy companies they were dealing with and received numerous gifts from them, federal investigators said Wednesday.

According to CBS and the New York Times, at least 13 government employees in Denver and Washington are involved in the sex for oil scandal that surfaced in the US Interior Department.

The paper and the channel quoted an Inspector General for the Interior Department as saying that these employees rigged contracts, engaged in illegal moonlighting, drugs, sex and gift-taking from oil company representatives.

US military chief warns Afghanistan strategy not working

US military chief warns Afghanistan strategy not working Washington  - The top US military officer acknowledged Wednesday that the mission in Afghanistan is not succeeding and said a broader international approach was needed to stabilize the war- torn country.

"I'm not convinced we're winning it in Afghanistan," Admiral Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a House committee. "I am convinced we can."

Human rights group: Israel forcibly expelling Gazans from West Bank

Human rights group: Israel forcibly expelling Gazans from West Bank Tel Aviv  - Israel has for the past year been cracking down on Gazans living or staying temporarily in the West Bank, in some cases forcibly expelling them back to the salient, an Israeli human rights group said Wednesday.

The move is part of an Israeli policy of separating the Palestinian populations of the Gaza Strip and West Bank, B'Tselem said in a position paper.
