Gardening Boosts Men’s Sex Drive – A Study

Gardening Boosts Men’s Sex Drive – A StudyA new study has revealed that spending 30 minutes in garden daily (five days a week) can lessen impotency risk by 38 percent.

This study was conducted by scientists of the Vienna Faculty of Medicine.

The study published in the journal ‘European Urology’ claimed that other forms of moderate exercise, such as dancing or jogging can also act as “natural” Viagra.

Men who do sports regularly can halve their chance of impotence and poor bedroom performance.

The study, which involves 700 men aged 45 to 60, discovered that shedding just 1,000 calories weekly through exercise helped improve their sex drive.

And men who garden energetically will work off even more calories, the study reported.

The researchers also discovered that men who shed 4,000 calories weekly will reduce their impotence risk by almost 52 percent.

A study by researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said that over 18 million men over the age of 20 are affected by erectile dysfunction in the Unites States.

In the study, the prevalence of ED was strongly linked with age, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and a lack of physical activity.